May 20, 2018 By Biz Tech
On the surface, buying goods in bulk seems like a great way to save money. When you buy a large amount of anything, the price of individual units tends to be lower. The more you buy, the less each unit actually costs you. Although this seems like a sure way to get a deal, bulk buying often costs people more than they know. On the surface, buying goods in bulk seems like a great way… Read more...
May 20, 2018 By Biz Tech
Some financial goals, like paying off student loans or saving for retirement, can take years to achieve. But no matter how big a goal is, you can break it down into small, actionable steps. You can better your finances by focusing on quick wins. Here are a few ways you can improve your finances in 5 minutes or less. 1) Get rid of Cable Cable is one of the easiest expense to eliminate entirely.… Read more...
May 20, 2018 By Biz Tech
So you’re in debt. Maybe even a LOT of debt. You know that you need to pay it off and that it should be your focus. But you also know that long-term wealth and financial independence is made through investing. So what do you do? Should you invest when you’re in debt? This is one of the most common questions we often get. It’s not surprising, either, with more and more people leaving University with… Read more...
April 08, 2018 By Biz Tech
Taking the first few steps to ensure your future financial stability can be overwhelming. There is so much to do, trying to decide where to start can result in wasted time, and wasted time is wasted money. Eliminating debt is often the first priority, and rightly so. If debt is in the form of credit cards, interest payments could be a massive drain on your finances. Credit Card companies love offering low minimum payments because… Read more...
April 07, 2018 By Biz Tech
It is time to stand outside of the crowd. Here are five steps to ace the first month at your new job: Nothing will get you noticed in a negative light quicker than arriving late. Horatio Nelson said: “I owe all my success in life to having been always a quarter of an hour before my time.” Take that as your new motto in your first month days. This will show your supervisor that… Read more...
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