August 05, 2018 By Biz Tech
How difficult is it for millennials to start saving? Pretty difficult. It can be particularly hard for a millennial (or anyone, really) to offset all these expenditures with only one income. But the good part is that it can be achieved and getting your money life together is the first step. Step 1. Create a budget The first step to gaining control of your finances is by making a budget. A budget is like… Read more...
August 05, 2018 By Biz Tech
Those “overnight successes” you see are normally the results of years and years of hard and deliberate work. The good news is that when it comes to building wealth there are no secrets. The same set of principles will work for absolutely everyone! If you’re willing to put in the work and make the sacrifices you can build wealth at a fast pace. You just have to start now, and build on what you've achieved.… Read more...
August 05, 2018 By Biz Tech
Though this article is not focused on exploring income equality — that’s a subject for another day — its about understanding the difference between income and wealth i.e. why they’re not the same thing. First, let’s define our terms. · Income is earning money. Yes, it’s the primary piece of wealth creation, but income itself is not wealth. · Wealth is having money. If you have a lot of money, you are rich. If… Read more...
July 18, 2018 By Biz Tech
This is going to be simple and what some would say obvious, advice on the markets, as sometimes investors need to be reminded of the simple and obvious. The obvious stuff is often the first neglected when it comes on to dealing with information, noise, opinions, predictions, and analysis. I’m no different when it comes to this so I like to remind myself of the following obvious investment truths on a regular basis: 1. If… Read more...
July 17, 2018 By Biz Tech
Most of us spend money on things we could get for free. And in many cases, it’s not as if we are consciously paying for greater convenience or some other intangible. We’re just throwing money down the drain.So, even if you have tightened your budget and eliminated unnecessary expenses, we’re betting you can get more savings by reviewing this list. It includes a list of 5 things we pay for that we really shouldn’t. When you… Read more...
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